Exhibition “30 Trails”

I am nurturing a new idea of an insect-education exhibition.  The first exhibition I worked on was at the American Museum of Natural History, as David Grimaldi’s assistant for “Amber: Window to the Past.” The last exhibition I worked on as with Steve Goddard/Spencer Museum of Art and our students, “39 Trails: Research in the Peruvian…

An Epiphany: learning science from fiction writing

Scientists are extra alert to the way science and scientists are presented in the mass media, fiction and film.  We are hyper-critical of representations of labs (are the machines appropriate), questions and evidence (are the bugs found on the dead girl correct for that place and season?), is a scenario really feasible (can a spider-bite lead…

South American Subsocial Beetles

Some manuscripts take a long time to gestate, some go fast. A Short Communication is even faster to write when it comes on the tail of a bigger synthesis. After Chaboo et al. (2015), my colleagues were all on alert to look for more subsocial cassys (subsocial= adult caring for one brood).  Within a few…